Most languages of Europe belong to the indo-European language family. Indo-European or Proto Indo-European is a term for a family of languages spoken in most of Europe, areas of European settlement (such as America, Africa or Oceania) and in many places of Southwest and South Asia.Within Indo-European, the three largest phyla are Slavic, Romance and Germanic, but we must also include Hellenic, Baltic, Albanian, Indo-Aryan and Celtic.
In Europe, we also speak non-Indo-European languages, most of them are from the Uralic and Turkic families. Smaller group languages such as Basque or Caucasus languages are spoken by less than 1% of the European population.
How many Indo-European languages can you name ?
How many Indo-European languages are taught in Institut Neo ?
How many non Indo-European languages can you name ?
How many non Indo-European languages are taught in Institut Neo ?
How many Indo-European languages do you speak ?
Aujourd’hui, l’anglais est de plus en plus demandé au quotidien, que ce soit pour votre travail, vos voyages ou même vos… lire plus
Une chose est sûre, apprendre ou perfectionner l’anglais avec des cours à l’Institut Neo ne sera pas une perte de temps !
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